
当前位置:Home > Country Info > NEW ZEALAND

Nau mai, haere mai. If you are a kiwi returning home or someone coming to New Zealand first time, kia ora and welcome. New Zealand is very much a destination country with people moving here from all corners of the world.


Named by New Zealand's indigunous maori people as Aotearoa, 'land of the long white cloud'. Or perhaps otherwise known as 'Gods own'. So if its the temperate climate and lovely beaches of the North Island, and stunning scenary of the South Island that attrack you we can move you to New Zealand.


>> Shipping Your Household Belongings to New Zealand

When moving to New Zealand it is important you are aware the requirements as we are a country with unique requirements and restrictions. If you are not a New Zealand or Australian passport holder you will require a visa to live in New Zealand. In order to import your household goods into New Zealand they need to be cleared with the Customs and Quarantine (Biosecurity New Zealand) services. New Zealand is known for its clean green image and reliance on it agriculture, horticulture and tourism sectors. Controls must be maintained against unwanted contaminants, diseases, insects and other pests. This can be a straight forward process and you will need to complete a declaration called an Unaccompanied Personal Baggage declaration and provide a copy of your passport.


>> New Zealand Custom Services*

The Customs service want to ensure you are not importing an prohibitied/restricted items and collect and duty and tax which may be payable. To import your household goods into New Zealand free of duty and tax you must have been outside of New Zealand for more than 21 months and personally owned and used your household goods. Firearms can be imported into New Zealand and this process is strictly controlled, firstly you will need to obtain a New Zealand firearms licence and import permit from the NZ Police. There is some descresionary allowance for the free importation of alcohol as part of a home collection for your own consumption. To further assist you here is a link the New Zealand Customs.


>> New Zealand Biosecurity and Quarantine Services*

To protect our borders from unwanted pests and contaminents New Zealand has a very strict Quarantine service called Biosecurity New Zealand. It is their responsibility to screen every single shipment of household effects that comes into New Zealand. Screening is done in the first instance via documentation, Biosecurity will review your completed declaration and inventory of goods to profile check you and see if you have any declared or undeclared risks goods in your shipment. If they are satisfied that your shipment poses no risk then it will be cleared for entry. If they evealuate that there may be risk then your shipment will require a physical inspection upon arrival. In some instances where you have a sole use container this inspection can take place at your residence upon delivery, otherwise it will take place at the warehouse. Items which are commonly stopped for inspection are outdoor items, sporting good, bicycles, animal porducts, plant products etc. Following an inspection it will be decided if your shipment is cleared and ok for entry or if any items require treatment such as fumigation and steam cleaning before they get the ok.


>> Transport Time  

Main Cities

Transit time for sea freight from China

Transportation time for door to door services from China


About 22days


About 45 days


About 22days

Port of Entry: Auckland

About 45 days


About 22 days

Port of Entry: Auckland

About 47 days



About 26 days

About 51 days


