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Beijing, China immigration Update

2015-11-13 15:56:30 Newland International Moving Read

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The Beijing Labour Bureau will  soon launch a new Foreign Employment Management System, although the exact implementation date has not been confirmed. The objective of the new system is to streamline the Work Permit de-registration process. 

In order to cater for this system upgrade, Beijing Labour Bureau requires all employers in Beijing to do Work Permit de-registration immediately for their foreign employees who had ceased employment regardless whether the Work Permit is still valid or had expired. Failure to do so will cause rejection of any new Work Permit application with another employer.

Impact of the above changes  

Once the new Foreign Employment Management system is implemented, Labour Bureau will not process or accept any new Work Permit application under the same or different employer if the previous Work Permit is not cancelled when foreign employees cease employment or employment being terminated by the employer. 

In this regard, we advise all employers in Beijing to cancel the Work Permit when the foreign employees cease employment regardless of the validity of Work Permit. The cancellation can be completed on the employee’s last working day or within 10 days from last working day.

Newland will provide further a update on the implementation date of this new system.

If you have any questions on this issue or any other Visa & Immigration topics, please contact Newland.
